We are looking for the most socially engaged local business in Berlin and Cologne
Nominate them and win €10,000 for your entire neighborhood.
In cooperation with:

Airbnb and nebenan.de are supporting engaged local businesses

Whether you know a business in your neighborhood that supports a good cause or if you are the owner of a local business that is socially engaged: Nominate your favorite business from October 15th, 8am CEST to November 15th, 2022, 2pm CEST via the form on the right side.

The decision will be made by lottery and the winning business, drawn from all nominations, will receive €10,000! This will then be distributed to neighbors at a small Neighborhood Festival in the form of discounts or vouchers on December 9th, so everyone can enjoy the prize.

Your favorite local business must belong to one of the following categories:

Category 1

Sustainable – Environmental and Climate Protection

Category 2

Social – Neighborhood Community Spaces

Category 3

Inclusive – Strengthening a diverse community

Who can win what?

Eine Person steht vor ihrem Laden.

Nomination Phase

Whether you are a neighbor, a customer, a host on Airbnb or a business owner - you have four weeks to nominate your favorite engaged business in your neighborhood. Simply fill out the nomination form and secure a place in the lottery for your local business! Note: Only one nomination per person is possible.



The more nominations a local business has secured, the higher its chances are of winning. The nomination phase ends November 15th. On November 18th, we will draw the winning business and notify them by phone or email. Once the prize has been accepted, we will start preparing for the Neighborhood Festival on December 9th.

Das Orange Coffee
Zwei lächelnde Personen halten draußen Tassen in ihren Händen.


On December 9th, the winning Berlin or Cologne based business and their local community will enjoy a small  Neighborhood Festival. The €10,000 prize will be distributed to the neighborhood in the form of vouchers or discounts!

Win together

Nominate your favourites now! nebenan.de and Airbnb are sponsoring the most socially engaged local business with €10,000 to benefit the whole neighborhood.